Monday, August 11, 2008

The Family Grows......

We have an announcement to make-

DH and I are going to be grandparents- it's our younger daughter and her signifigant other of more than two years. They are elated, we are .........adjusting. Having a little two-legged around will be delightful, but we were hoping to have a few years to ourselves, with some time to do what we'd like, before it all starts again......sigh......

She is due in the middle of January and has chosen her midwife- she'll be using the Lisa Ross Birthing Center for the birth. They are connceted to the St. Mary's system so if anything were to happen, she could go right to the hospital for the birth. Lisa Ross midwives have priveleges there, and they take daughter's insurance. She wants to birth at the center, as they have a birthing tub.

I'm a strong believer in home birth and midwivery- considering the modern male centered medical establisment considers birth as a medical issue to be managed as only 'they' know how, instead of a natural unfolding process, and also a huge money making scheme, I am 100% behind my daughter's choice. Ricky Lake has a wonderful movie out called The Business of Being Born, which reveals the facts about home vs. hospital births in the US. Considering I loath hospitals, have very little faith in modern healthcare and that many, many US doctors are just in it for the money and not patient care, this is an important movie- in fact, Ricky has had some medical establishment come after her for her views and the release of this movie!

So, stay tuned for more pieces on this subject- there will be lots. Now, I'm waiting for what the rest of my family is going to say.........

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